A TRUE Measles outbreak? Ever wonder if anti-virus software companies release computer viruses?
Since the beginning of science, the never-ending problem for science has been scientists who push THEIR version of science so THEY can make more money. And what helped them lie so well? Epidemiologists and statisticians who PERVERT MATH so THEY can push THEIR version of math and make more money.
Every published paper on the usefulness of the measles vaccine? Pure shit. Let me carefully explain why it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE for the measles vaccine to take complete credit for the reduction of measles in the US over the past half century.
If you observe a phenomenon that you can’t explain very well, as a scientist, JUST because you can’t explain it does NOT mean you get to invoke MAGIC. Here’s my very scientific and rationale hypothesis for the decrease in incidence of measles in the US over the past 50 years. Back then, mothers had a measles party any time any child in the neighborhood got measles. Perfect way to infect your child and spread the measles virus to other children. Then, they decided NOT to spread the virus. Any time a child with red dots on the face showed up, that child was ISOLATED for a week. LESS TIME to spread the virus when the child has full blown measles and is most infectious if the child is separated from other children by brick walls and a distance of five miles.
So, VISUALIZATION of red dots followed by ISOLATION of the child is an INFINITELY stronger hypothesis for the reduction of the incidence of measles in the US over the past 50 years than vaccination. VISUALIZATION/ISOLATION incorporates the strongest known factor in all of science to reduce the spread of viruses, ISOLATION.
If ANYONE deserves credit for the decrease in the incidence of measles in the US over the past 50 years, it’s MOTHERS and TEACHERS who identified the child with red dots and sent them home to ISOLATE that infected child from other children. For the measles vaccine to take COMPLETE credit for this decrease in measles is the most RIDICULOUS interpretation of what science is. At the VERY MINIMUM, the VISUALIZATION/ISOLATION hypothesis deserves 90% credit and the measles vaccine deserves at most 10%. But most likely, the measles vaccine deserves NO CREDIT at all. Their hypothesis that their measles vaccine “TRAINED” the child and now the “TRAINED” child is much more likely to be infected with measles is about as ridiculous as believing that HUMAN CHILD SACRIFICE will prevent the newly built building from falling.
In science? Sure, you’re allowed to NOT BE ABLE to connect all the dots while you’re investigating and researching. But, at SOME POINT, if you can’t connect the dots? You don’t get to claim CREDIT for your shitty science that is UNABLE to connect the dots.
Ask ANY virologist to explain HOW the measles vaccine trained the child to NOT be infected with measles and they’ll explain in BROAD STROKES and most will just want to rely on their sheer number of published papers which is reliance on “AUTHORITY” and the very OPPOSITE of science. If you ask any infectious disease specialist how PENICILLIN works, they won’t just invoke PUBLISHED PAPERS but will explain the MECHANISM when prompted because a MECHANISM EXISTS to explain how penicillin works. But their only MECHANISM to show how the measles vaccine works? The MEASLES ANTIBODY is evidence of their “TRAINING.” A child gets a measles vaccine. The measles antibody peaks at about 2 months from vaccination. Every month from that point on? The measles IgG antibody drops in HALF. That’s because the half-life of the measles IgG antibody is 4-6 weeks. So, a year after the measles vaccine? The child has less than 10% of measles antibodies compared to their peak antibody levels. My son, at the peak of COVID was 19. He had his last measles shot when 3. And those non-existent measles antibodies protected him from measles when he was five? Six? Ten years of age? Sheer STUPIDITY.
This NON-EXISTENT measles IgG antibody is their MECHANISM to show how their measles vaccine works? Okay, so maybe the measles antibody BARELY EXISTS. I’ll be MORE THAN FAIR and assume that their stupid measles antibody blocks 90% of measles viruses even if the science is perfectly clear that it is IMPOSSIBLE for the measles antibody to be present at 90% levels (from peak) at a year from vaccination.
Let’s say a child is infected with measles and was exposed to an inoculum containing 10,000 measles viruses. Since his antibodies can block 90% (an extremely fair assumption since the measles antibody level will DROP by half every six weeks), 1000 viruses get through this pretend “ANTIBODY SHIELD” and infect 1000 cells. Each infected cell can produce up to 50,000 virus copies. Now, there are 50 million viruses. Sure, the measles antibodies block 90% of these too. So, 5 million viruses can infect new cells which each produce 50,000 copies. Now we have 250 BILLION viruses. I’ll grant the 90% neutralization rate by the measles antibodies so only 25 BILLION viruses are available to infect new cells which, again, produce 50,000 copies each. We now have 1,250 TRILLION viruses and since the antibodies can block 90% of these too? There are a 100 TRILLION measles viruses available to infect cells. Oh, but a child only has a TOTAL of 20 TRILLION cells in his WHOLE BODY in only FOUR CYCLES OF INFECTION/REPLICATION. The idiot vaccinologists NEVER even vetted their vaccine paradigm with the most BASIC third grade math!
Now, WHO started this STUPIDITY? Edward Jenner, the FATHER of vaccinology was a SHITTY person and a COMPLETE LIAR and a SUPER SHITTY scientist. Let me explain. He observed that milk maids didn’t get smallpox. His ONLY hypothesis started this STUPIDITY that injured and killed children for 200 years. He thought the cowpox virus antibody would be protective from the smallpox virus. Today? We KNOW for a FACT that antibodies to the cowpox virus do NOT neutralize the smallpox virus. Which means? That when Edward Jenner IMMORALLY and UNETHICALLY infected a child with the cowpox virus and then months later, infected the boy with the smallpox virus, that the boy could NOT have had “immunity” to the smallpox virus. YET, the boy didn’t get smallpox. NOT from a cowpox antibody that could NOT have neutralized the smallpox virus. MOST LIKELY because Edward Jenner did NOT infect the boy with live smallpox virus. CONCLUSION? This SHITTY field of vaccinology was FOUNDED by a SHITTY scientist who was either a HIGHLY INCOMPETENT scientist or a COMPLETE LIAR. There IS NO OTHER CONCLUSION. Vaccinologists are the SHITTIEST scientists on earth. Why would they NOT be, their FOUNDING FATHER was himself a piece of shit.
The INFINITELY better hypothesis for why milkmaids didn’t get smallpox? Because they had LEARNED that when Mary had red spots on her face, if they STAYED AWAY from Mary, they wouldn’t get “the cowpox.” They LEARNED that ISOLATION does WORK. Now, they LOVED their young fair glowing skin enough to NOT want to get infected with COWPOX. Do you think they got within a MILE of a smallpox patient, with HORRIBLE disfiguring lesions that would ASSURE that “Mary” would NEVER be able to marry and have children? The ESSENCE of science? CAUSE and EFFECT. If you STAY FAR AWAY from the CAUSE OF SMALLPOX, the SMALLPOX VIRUS, you will NOT GET SMALLPOX. ISOLATION is the STRONGEST science known to man to PREVENT spread of viruses. AGAIN, my hypothesis is INFINITELY BETTER than Edward Jenner’s for why these milkmaids didn’t get smallpox.
Texas Children’s hospital? Oh, I only left them thousands of posts on X, explaining the STUPIDITY of their DTaP vaccine and how they are INJURING/KILLING children as the MAIN EFFECT of their DTaP vaccine and booster and guess what? NOT ONE of those idiots EVER refuted it. A pediatrician gives a DTaP vaccine to a toddler. The toddler now DOES have DTaP antibodies. The pediatrician stupidly gives that same toddler a booster DTaP vaccine which IS the DTaP antigen. Yes, you heard that right. JUST when the toddler has the MOST DTaP antibodies in his blood, the stupid pediatrician ADDS DTaP antigen into that same toddler’s blood and STUPIDLY expects the DTaP antibody and the DTaP antigen NOT to bind into large CLUMPS of PRECIPITINS, even though every general immunology textbook shows that if you POUR polyclonal antibodies (the only type humans make in vivo) into a beaker of saline and ADD its antigen, there WILL BE PRECIPITATION of the antibody and antigen into CLUMPS of PRECIPITINS that are LARGE ENOUGH to block blood vessels many times the size of capillaries, causing ischemic damage. Yes, I put all this info out on X in over 100,000 posts in the year 2024 and for all that hard work, was rewarded by X with a permanent suspension. Another idiot, Elon, who thinks he’s got a brain. NOT a brain that wants to help ANYONE BUT HIMSELF.
I’m certain that not a SINGLE pediatrician can ever go to heaven and that all 67,000 pediatricians in the US will go to HELL and pay for their UNFORGIVEABLE SINS against children. At the end of the day? It does NOT matter if you thought you were doing good when in fact you were HURTING and KILLLING children. A pediatrician BELIEVING they are doing good will NOT spare them from the WRATH of parents when parents find out the TRUTH. That’s why Hippocrates said to “FIRST DO NO HARM.”
Every perversion of medical science occurs because there are always stupid and evil humans who want to sell their version of snake oil to line their pockets with blood money.
And back to the title of this rant. WHO has live measles virus in stock, available to SURREPTIOUSLY release into the community??? Oh, the VERY people who NEED parents to NEED the measles vaccine? And when the STUPIDITY of their vaccine paradigm is exposed, does ANYONE think these fools will NOT release the measles virus that THEY have in stock into the community to TEACH parents how BADLY they “NEED” the measles vaccine? And we have to TRUST these fools will do the right thing? Why?
MEDICINE at its WORST, vaccinology.
Over and over again "Problem-Reaction-Solution" - the Hegelian dialectic - is used against the world's population by psychopaths like Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, et al. They create a problem to evoke a reaction for which the people demand a solution - which they already have planned and ready to deliver (i.e. The "Patriot" Act after 9/11). Once we collectively wise up to this scheme -- I mean REALLY wise up to it, not just superficially 'know about it' -- the game is over for those using it against us.
But for now, so many people are like mindless NPCs who are naive, unwitting participants (pawns) in their sick and demented 'chess game' of achieving never-ending, ever-increasing power and wealth. How to wake them up?
These demons will never have enough because their 'souls' (if they even have them) are empty, bottomless pits that can never be filled or satiated. They just need to be identified and dealt with at this point. They and their DOD counterparts have put everyone in a global 'kill box' with the Covid-19 'vaccines.' It is time they are put out of commission before they completely decimate the human race, which clearly appears to be their objective.
I think it's time to give these evil bastards a taste of their own medicine--no pun intended. None of this is 'accidental' in the least. All planned and executed with military precision with the help of social engineers at think tanks using advanced AI on supercomputers mapping out human reactions based on controlled stimuli.
They've been working on this for decades. AIDS was a stage 1 test run with Fauci and bogus PCR testing that made it possible (PCRs can't diagnose; Kevin McKernan has covered this, Kary Mullis (PCR inventor) confirmed this, and they're now doing it with bird flu: https://x.com/Kevin_McKernan/status/1899684161465819197). Covid-19 was stage 2. Stage 3 will probably decimate 90% of humanity. We better wake the fu*k up fast or most of us are done for.
/end rant
Yup. Still no gold standard proof of the existence of virus or infectivity. Psuedoscience indeed.