Educating Allison Neitzel, who pro vaccine and supposedly fights "misinformation." teaching her that SHE IS THE MISINFO.
@AliNeitzelMD Allison Neitzel. I love debating physicians who use their REAL name because I can forward all this correspondence to your REAL clinic office address.
I'll show you how YOU'RE the misinformation.
Will you be rational about this debate?
@AliNeitzelMD Misinformation kills. I agree. The misinformation is either on YOUR side or my anti-vax side.
Let's figure it out. Let's deal with it.
I know that I still have my California medical license even after I told the last President of the medical board that she was the misinfo.
@AliNeitzelMD Misinformation kills. Are you SURE you're not on the side of the misinformation? When your side SHUT UP and HEAVILY censored the opposing view?
How do you even KNOW what I have to say then? How can you be SOOOO certain that you're not the misinformation?
@AliNeitzelMD Here's a letter I sent the California Medical Board September, 2021.
One of the board members replied and agreed to try to HELP ME. Does that sound like I WAS THE MISINFORMATION??????
And I explained EXACTLY why the COVID vaccine was SHEER STUPIDITY in that email.
@AliNeitzelMD Here's the email trail with Dr. Harold Krauss, a board member at the time who ALSO happened to be an ophthalmologist and who I ALSO spoke to in PERSON and he was STUNNED at the information I had showing how DUMB the COVID vaccine was.…
@AliNeitzelMD You're STUPID 2098 law? that tried to PUNISH physicians who spread "misinformation" which YOUR side described as anything anti covid vaccine?
I sent all this info to the California Medical Board LONG before YOU ever supported that stupid bill 2098.
@AliNeitzelMD I replied to Governor newsom with a 20 pg letter that I ALSO sent to EVERY state medical board, INCLUDING the California medical board.
You will see how DUMB your side was. MISINFORMATION was ALL on YOUR SIDE and it's only NOW that you're hearing MY SIDE?
@AliNeitzelMD Here's the letter to Governor Newsom that shows EXACTLY how STUPID the governor is and how he does NOT hold TRUE AMERICAN values. He's into BOOK BURNING, apparently.…
@AliNeitzelMD There was NO ONE ON EARTH who had better information to show the SHEER STUPIDITY of the COVID vaccine than me, THEN or NOW.
I not only sent Fauci that ONE letter that should have DOOMED the COVID vaccine, when Fauci replied?
Dr. Emily Erbelding, Director of NIH Infectious Disease, in response to Dr. Joseph Leeresponding to my letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci, explaining the fatal flaw with the COVID vaccine
@AliNeitzelMD I did NOT like his reply via Dr. erbelding, the director of the NIH Infectious disease division (my mentor, director of Ophtho at Johns Hopkins ALSO got her email and was VERY disappointed in their lack of OPEN MINDENESS) and becuz his response was so STUPID, I followed up with
@AliNeitzelMD a 73 pg document that was sent FEB 2021, and I ALSO included a US COPYRIGHT on it,
No. TXu002243916, 2021-02-03…
@AliNeitzelMD get off your high horse Ali. You're NOT on the side of SCIENCE, goodness, morality.
you're on the side of BABY KILLERS, LIARS, haters of FREE SPEECH, VIOLATORS of bodily autonomy.
@AliNeitzelMD There isn't a scientist on earth who can read my 73 pages that i sent Fauci FEB 2021, who will agree with Fauci's next move, to CONTINUE to roll out the vaccine.
@AliNeitzelMD whatever BENEFIT you thought the vaccine provided via a neutralizing antibody in the lung?
Oh, you've got a MASSIVE 3rd grade science FATAL FLAW in your hypothesis because the antibody is GARGANTUAN and has no path through the lung barrier into the lung air space.
@AliNeitzelMD are you feeling STUPID yet? What will you do Ali?
Will you keep an open mind to this new information? Or have you gone too far?
Meaning, did you AGREE with the mandates? If the vaccine KILLED with NO BENEFIT, then did you HELP KILL Americans?
@AliNeitzelMD Oh, you say. Well, EVEN if I was correct and even IF the vaccine couldn't POSSIBLY have provided benefit via a neutralizing antibody that is gargantuan, 8000 times more MASS than a water molecule and the lung barrier can keep WATER molecules from FLOODING our lung air space
@AliNeitzelMD this is how DUMB and WRONG your side was on EVERYTHING remotely connected to COVID.
Can we first define what "violence" is? I just want to use a simple definition from Google. "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone"
@AliNeitzelMD Now, I'll carefully explain how the COVID vaccine is hurting, damaging, or killing Americans, not just as a side effect, but as the MAIN EFFECT.
We DO all agree that promoting violence is a violation of X's TOS? We DO all agree that NONE of us should promote violence?
@AliNeitzelMD We DO all agree that if ANY of us were UNKNOWINGLY promoting behavior that DIRECTLY caused injuries and/or damage and/or DEATH, then we should ADMIT that and change course of action?
@AliNeitzelMD Here's a one-minute video that perfectly shows how the COVID vaccine is causing DAMAGE and hurting/killing Americans as the MAIN EFFECT.
Unroll available on Thread Reader
@AliNeitzelMD Some people prefer words. That video that you just watched? It will END the COVID mRNA vaccine. I can put it in words.
Just ONE tweet that will END your COVID mRNA vaccine. It doesn't matter if u think u have tons of peer-reviewed papers on ur side. Just watch the video.
@AliNeitzelMD U put polyclonal Abs into a beaker of SERUM. U ADD its antigen.
IT WILL CLUMP or what UR scientists call PRECIPITINS. Google it. It's REAL.
Your 1st vax puts Abs into blood.
Your BOOSTER puts antigen into blood.
Why wouldn't they BIND?
@AliNeitzelMD Now, I'll tag in
since promoting violence IS a VIOLATION of X's TERMS OF SERVICE. that's the STRING MECHANISM.
It shows EXACTLY how the Vax creates a COVID-19 Ab in the blood of a patient that DAMAGES.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk The STRING mechanism says the COVID Ab will bind the spike antigen from the booster, almost GUARANTEED.
Now, I say that for the COVID-19 Ab to bind to a spike antigen from the booster is almost GUARANTEED.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk What are the chances that this same COVID-19 Ab will bind to a real live virus in a patient's blood, one in a MILLION?
I will grant you one in a 1000. So, what do we make of this CLUMPING of COVID Abs and spike antigen? Is it REAL?
Does it REALLY happen?
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk YES, it's actually in your OWN immunology TEXTBOOKS from as far back as 50 years!!
Kala showing Precipitins, good diagram
soothsayer showing precipitins and polyclonal antibody explanation
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk How do I KNOW for CERTAIN that the COVID-19 Ab will BIND to the spike antigen in blood?
Well, that IS your strongest science from the vaccine side, isn't it?
I call it a STRING but your vaccine scientists have already NAMED them and call them PRECIPITINS.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk Just a minute, is that TOTALLY CLEAR to everyone here? As I explained, if you FOLLOW a SINGLE COVID-19 Ab that you created in a patient's blood?
The CHANCES of this Ab binding to
a spike antigen from booster (HIGH)
versus a
spike antigen on a real live COVID virus (LOW)
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk That ONE COVID-19 Ab molecule has an INFINITELY greater chance of BINDING a spike antigen from a booster vax than a spike antigen ON a virus.
WHICH MEANS, that the MAIN EFFECT of your COVID vaccine is to cause PRECIPITINS which BLOCK blood vessels & cause DAMAGE.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk Didn't I show you EXACTLY how promoting vaccines is promoting violence?
So, do you see how I just DESTROYED your perceived LOW RISK for the Risk/Benefit of the COVID vaccine?
The STRING mechanism of action is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to refute. TRY.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk I mean, what do I start with? ONLY your spike antigen, NONE of you can REFUTE that, right?
Then the STRING mechanism of action ONLY uses your BEST SCIENCE, that Abs and its antigen DO bind.
How can you refute THAT?? You can NOT.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk Do you see where I am going with this?
The COVID vaccine caused DAMAGE to AMERICANS as the MAIN EFFECT.
Oh, & promoting ANYTHING that causes DAMAGE & KILLS is considered the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE.
Now, anyone can be wrong. I can be wrong. If I am, REFUTE THE STRING.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk If you can NOT REFUTE the STRING mechanism which CLEARLY shows with a PERFECT mechanism of action that ONLY uses their BEST science,
then you are ADMITTING that the vaccine DOES CAUSE DAMAGE and KILLS as the MAIN EFFECT. RIGHT???
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk Six months ago, when I first put the STRING MECHANISM (of action) on X, I turned to WELL KNOWN vaccinologists & gave them a chance to provide a scientific rebuttal.
Isn't that very fair of me? So, I sent it all to LOTS of people. I'll list just a few. NO REBUTTALS
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk 1. The NIH director. hundreds of posts. NO rebuttal.
2. Journal of Immunology, Editor in Chief. NO rebuttal. 3. Nature. Editor in Chief. NO rebuttal.
4. Science journal. Editor in Chief. NO rebuttal.
That's an AUGUST group of scientists, is it not?
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk I explain VERY carefully how there can be NO REFUTATION of the STRING mechanism of action that ONLY uses their BEST science and ONLY starts with an ANTIGEN.
Then, I show how I VETTED this with MANY of your BEST vaccinologists and THEY have no rebuttal.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk It's not a good look is it, Ali?
To pretend to be on the side of TRUTH and GOODNESS and SCIENCE but to also be PROMOTING VIOLENCE via VACCINES and HURTING and KILLING your patients with this COVID vaccine?
Don't you look INCREDIBLY EVIL and STUPID??
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk I PUBLISHED all my threads to all the above AS I WROTE them and emailed them also, to have PROOF that I DID inform all of those parties.
Not ONE had a rebuttal. I did NOT stop there. I also warned the @AmerAcadPeds and have posted over a 1700 posts to them over 6 months--
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds I even call the AAPeds "baby killers" and have a thread dedicated to JUST HOW I can call them that and not get sued for slander and they have NOT refuted it.
This correspondence to the AAPeds for over a 170 days.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds I have posted maybe 1700 times? On the AAPedsX timeline. Over a 170 day period. I also published all those threads on my substack.
As you well know, anyone can block anyone else on X. When I call the AAPeds BABY KILLERS, U would think they would block me.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds U know why the AAPeds did not block me? Because I carefully explained to them that the PREP ACT provides them their "vaccine legal immunity" but that it also provides an exception.
Willful misconduct NEGATES their "vaccine legal immunity."
THIS ALSO applies to YOU now.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds If the STRING mechanism (basically PRECIPITINS) EXPOSES their MASSIVE oversight in their vaccine programs?
Then, blocking me or trying to COVER UP this massive oversight that the STRING exposes, isn't that WILLFUL MISCONDUCT?
Yes, it is. Then, NO vax immunity for YOU.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds If you MUTE ME, that is ALSO covering up this MASSIVE mistake, same legal argument applies.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds Isn't that interesting, Ali? U wake up in the morning, shaking your head at what U perceive is the "silliness of anti-vaxxers."
Then, before u go to bed?
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds and you can't even MUTE ME without DIRE CONSEQUENCES to your BACK POCKET.
Because the PREP ACT was well written and DID try to protect the innocent from EVIL and DUMB physicians like YOU who know SHIT but want to CONTROL OTHERS.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds DEFINITION of VIOLENCE, "behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone."
Since I have INFORMED you EXACTLY how vaccines cause DAMAGE to patients,
now you KNOW and any FUTURE promotion of vaccines by you cannot be excused with ignorance.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds It would be difficult for me to say that your promotion of the vax was promotion of violence since the definition of violence includes "intent."
But, now that I HAVE informed you EXACTLY how vaccines cause damage?
There IS now INTENT if U PERSIST in PROMOTING the vaccine.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds U WILL BE PROMOTING VIOLENCE against the American public & then U will be VIOLATING Twitter's TERMS OF SERVICE.
X will have to CANCEL your account or face a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT for NOT enforcing its own TOS, which includes an agreement by u NOT TO PROMOTE VIOLENCE.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds Of course I will send all this by certified mail, email, fax to you also so you will have NO excuse to say you did NOT get this info.
& I will have my followers COPY and RE-POST to you MANY times so you can NOT use the excuse that you MUTED me and did NOT see it.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds Yes, I will SILENCE all PRO VACCINE scientists/physicians NOT by FORCE, but by PURE logic and BRILLIANT science.
U ARE interested in TRULY helping people?
I show U EXACTLY how the vaccine INFLICTS HARM. So STOP PROMOTING the vax.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds I will of course send all this correspondence to X's Chief Legal Counsel, Adeeb Sahar, to be part of the legal record.
If you DO continue to PROMOTE the COVID mRNA vax in ANY way, shape, or form?
Then, you WILL be PROMOTING VIOLENCE and u will lose your X account.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds If you SHUT UP the opposing view, who can NOT look BRILLIANT?
Even U, Ali, can look somewhat intelligent.
But, if you had to debate ME?
You would look like an UTTER MORON.
You get it? Shutting up BRILLIANT physicians who DISAGREE with you is PURE STUPIDITY in science.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds Oh, and I ALSO just sent all this info to about 20 immunology journal editors and NOT ONE has a scientific rebuttal. I don't expect one.
It is sad how all you pro vaccine scientists who have a REAL NAME SUDDENLY become MUTE when I give this info.
Unroll available on Thread Reader
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds And remember Ali. You will be getting all this by mail also. and if you DO persist in promoting vaccines and if you REFUSE to acknowledge your mistakes publicly?
That is WILLFUL MISCONDUCT by acts of OMISSION. EVERYTHING you do and say now? will be seen by a jury later.
@AliNeitzelMD @Support @elonmusk @AmerAcadPeds If you are CALLOUS and INDIFFERENT and don't attempt to RECTIFY your PAST mistakes of PROMOTING the vaccine? The jury will see THAT too.
If you DO apologize and IMMEDIATELY retract and issue a TRUE apology, that might help your case, but ANYTHING else that you do? LOL.
The vaccine pushers need to cease and desist immediately. They need to stop shilling for the corrupt establishment. It’s making them look very incompetent & untrustworthy. Thank you for showing them the truth! Let’s hope they have a morsel of humility left in them. 🙏🏽