Dr. Lee, Anyone paying attention saw Fauci’s social distancing as a farce long before he was questioned in Congress about it. Herd immunity is equally a farce! I can’t believe how many medical professionals swallow these theories without questioning. The lack of curiosity is astonishing!

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As I follow all of y’all....yes, I said it....y’all!!!! This recurring theme keeps slithering into my thought processes; not that I have many. Maybe it is that we humans have gotten so good at helping people stay a little healthier (jury is still out) that it is now having a direct effect on the bottom line of health care. Being the largest money grab on the planet, this could have a real effect as the stream begins to dry up. In an effort to refill the mill, maybe just maybe they didn’t set out to kill their bread and butter. They just wanted to refill the mill with recurring and NEW customers. An overshoot is a given, but we all know that most of what happens in these arenas are accidents at best and the end result is usually an effort to take advantage of a crisis that began as mistake.

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