Scientists aren't that smart. They "happen" onto something that works. A billion scientists didn't realize the stupidity of the current theory for sound?
I was upstairs at home and heard a tiny little sound from the furthest room downstairs. The theory of sound says that “sound waves” through the air reach my eardrum. I say that theory is absurd and can’t be correct.
If a person is ten feet away from me and we are both holding a tube thick enough to hold a marble and there are a couple hundred marbles all touching each other inside the tube, I can tap a marble on my end of the tube and the other person will receive the signal. But if the marbles aren’t touching each other, he will never receive a consistent signal from me tapping the marble on my end.
That’s the absurdity of the theory of sound. Every air molecule is separated by at least 700 air molecule diameters from the next air molecule (because air can be compressed that much). When I move one air molecule on my side, it has to hit trillions of air molecules before one molecule finally hits the eardrum of the person ten feet away from me. Some air molecules will hit first but many air molecules will hit the next air molecule which will go off at an angle. So the signal will never be compact but spread out in time. The sound from a person only ten feet away would be completely blurred and smeared. The current theory of sound is impossible and yet we hear fairly clearly. Why? Because there is something BETWEEN the air molecules, all in relative contact with each other such that the situation is much more like the tube with marbles all touching each other.
This simple explanation should be sufficient to make the average person with common sense understand the stupidity of physicist’s current theory of sound. Here’s another way to explain it, since I AM saying that there is PREVIOUSLY UNDISCOVERED matter BETWEEN the air molecules, enough so that most of the “matter” is touching something else.
If you take a 55 gallon barrel and boil one gallon of water inside and when steam fills the barrel, cap the barrel, then as the 55-gallon drum cools down, a relative vacuum will be created inside and sea level atmospheric pressure will CRUSH that thick steel drum. Doesn’t make any sense to me IF air molecules aren’t touching each other. For example, a 55 gallon drum full of air taken down a 1000 feet under water, the drum will be crushed by the weight of the water. Why? Because each water molecule pushing against the sides of the barrel are bearing the weight of all the water molecules ABOVE it, all 1000 feet of water. That makes sense. But why wouldn’t that same barrel at sea level with a 1,000,000 feet of thick fog ABOVE the barrel also cause that barrel to collapse? Because the water molecules in a FOG are NOT touching each other and the water molecules from the fog touching the barrel are NOT bearing the weight of all the water molecules a 1,000,000 feet above it. That is the problem with 1 atmospheric pressure crushing a 55 gallon drum with a vacuum inside. The air molecules are NOT in contact with each other and NOT bearing the weight of all the air molecules above it. I could BLOW air at 200 miles per hour, at the 55 G barrel and it would NOT crush. The ONLY way for atmospheric pressure to CRUSH a 55 G barrel with a vacuum inside is if SOMETHING is in between the air molecules.
When I publish my hypothesis for GRAVITY, I will also disclose what I think is in between the air molecules. But the point is simple. Something THIS basic can be completely misunderstood even today. Any idiot physicist that is CERTAIN about multi-verses or what is happening inside black holes? On the level of vaccinologists for idiocy.
I’m fascinated with Frequency….. 🤔
Is frequency a form of molecule or does it just vibrate the air molecules? 🤷♀️
Dr. Lee can you check your DMs? It’s really urgent