Jun 14Liked by leelasik

Boom! May they all fall hard! Poor & destitute. And sick with “covid”! Or whatever the latest bio weapon might be. Hopefully, dumb ass Stephen King is on his 8th boosta! Sooner the better!

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the dummy. he's deathly afraid to block me. his lawyers will NEVER give him what he wants.

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Jun 15Liked by leelasik

Ha, ha. Keep buggin him. Make him squirm with irritation daily. He deserves to be uncomfortable.

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I don't just want him to squirm. I want him to have to pay back what he owes for what he did.

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Yes! He should have to put his money where his mouth is. Pay up or shut up buddy. Don’t hand out medical advice when you don’t know what you’re talking about. And you don’t have a medical license to do so.

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