Jun 26Liked by leelasik

Well put. This is what many will be trying to argue:

"@AboutPediatrics @AmerAcadPeds @ACPeds so, it'll be a RACE, among pediatricians to say

'hey, I had NO IDEA of the String, You should see my HORRIBLE BOARD scores, and thankfully,

I was LITERALLY the absolute BOTTOM in my class. I'm THAT DUMB. Please don't try ME for murder'."

And, you keep calling this a 'mistake.' None of this is a mistake. Listen to the following interview. Starts at about 1:40 after intro music/commercial. Requires a sign-in, but worth your trouble if you seriously consider this a mistake:

Multi Decade Infertility Program Worldwide, Great Culling & the 7 Dwarfs w/ Dr. Rima Laibow


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More explanation of string mechanism?

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and trying to nail down the point that pediatricians do NOT get to just ignore this string.

and how it's not possible that NONE of them understood this.

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