Does anyone on earth who has been following me on X for this past year believe that I promote “violence?”
Per google, the definition of "violence.” “behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.”
I have the science to show that childhood vaccines cause harm to children as the MAIN EFFECT.
I put out a 100,000+ posts on X in 365 days to STOP pediatricians from hurting children with vaccines, whether they were doing it with intent or not.
My “behavior” used physical force because I had to PRESS each letter of the alphabet on my keyboard to put up those 100,000+ posts. I used physical force to type my 100,000+ posts and it was intended to SAVE children from damaging vaccines but that would also cause MISERY for 67,000 pediatricians who were IGNORANTLY or with INTENT harming children with vaccines.
Then, you can easily see how ANYTHING that ANYONE does can be construed as “violence” towards some other party.
To me? It is incredible how the supposedly “intelligent” within our society? Is THIS ridiculously ignorant.
Is “VIOLENCE” ever justified? If using FORCE to push the letters on my keyboard constitutes “VIOLENCE,” then my only answer will be YES.
There was not verbal violence in your posts, at all. It was insistence, it was despair…what sounded like anger. Once someone called you “ that angry eye surgeon” and I perceived it with a sense of humor, so I started following you. I could not grasp how so many intelligent people reading you did not come with a refute of your theory. And even more strange, as a Trump supporter, your statement became more aggressive, and still no response. At least not visible to me. They censored you in the moment when those who were vocal about the vaccines started to lower their voices or became silent. However they want to name you, Dr Lee, at least you are not a coward or a boot licker and I am very positive that you are an excellent professional. Your logic and way of thinking beats the long, useless, endless “scientific” talks about COVID ( Certificate Of Vaccination ID) “vaccine”. You presented the mechanism what would make most of the childhood vaccines obsolete. I guess, very inconvenient for their pockets. But see, verbal violence is a stigma but criminal greed is not. That is the major problem of humanity now: lack of the moral character. To me you are a hero.
Not for a split second.
It´s the perfidious concept of WOKE that´s violent.
Woke means smoke. It puts out a smoke screen and you are now expected to act like reality is not really real, thus neither are any of your natural judgements.
I´ll debate ANYONE who challenges me on this but they always decline the offer. But of course! For if you take an obvious truth and diminish into a mere shadow of itself truth will shine even brighter. And since wokeists are COWARDS WHO DARE NOT CONFRONT REALITY THEY OBVIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH TRUTH.
What are such pathetic people if not lost souls?
I personally had a man break into my house half a year ago. He hit me, blood everywhere, attempted to rape me. That surely was violence but violence comes in many shapes: Linguistic, spiritual, financial, mental, you name it.
I have my court hearing in 2025. I will opt for JUSTICE rather than simpel revenge.
May God Almighty who saved me from physical violence and death forever be with the brave souls who speak their truth.
You are one such man, Lee Lasik.