There was not verbal violence in your posts, at all. It was insistence, it was despair…what sounded like anger. Once someone called you “ that angry eye surgeon” and I perceived it with a sense of humor, so I started following you. I could not grasp how so many intelligent people reading you did not come with a refute of your theory. And even more strange, as a Trump supporter, your statement became more aggressive, and still no response. At least not visible to me. They censored you in the moment when those who were vocal about the vaccines started to lower their voices or became silent. However they want to name you, Dr Lee, at least you are not a coward or a boot licker and I am very positive that you are an excellent professional. Your logic and way of thinking beats the long, useless, endless “scientific” talks about COVID ( Certificate Of Vaccination ID) “vaccine”. You presented the mechanism what would make most of the childhood vaccines obsolete. I guess, very inconvenient for their pockets. But see, verbal violence is a stigma but criminal greed is not. That is the major problem of humanity now: lack of the moral character. To me you are a hero.


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The silence was deafening for me too. Was what I found THAT clearly stupendous? and that simple?

and so obvious once you've been informed that you can never unsee it? and yet, why were they so silent? how many?

and the one man who DID try to make fun of me? literally spent TIME removing my hair and making me bald as he had me receive a fake Nobel, that was Houman, a FELLOW EYE MD.

Houman couldn't stand that another EYE MD was infinitely more intelligent than him? At least other MDs had the decency to slither away like the snakes they were. Houman actually thought he was a MAN. No, snake too.

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Not for a split second.

It´s the perfidious concept of WOKE that´s violent.

Woke means smoke. It puts out a smoke screen and you are now expected to act like reality is not really real, thus neither are any of your natural judgements.

I´ll debate ANYONE who challenges me on this but they always decline the offer. But of course! For if you take an obvious truth and diminish into a mere shadow of itself truth will shine even brighter. And since wokeists are COWARDS WHO DARE NOT CONFRONT REALITY THEY OBVIOUSLY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH TRUTH.

What are such pathetic people if not lost souls?

I personally had a man break into my house half a year ago. He hit me, blood everywhere, attempted to rape me. That surely was violence but violence comes in many shapes: Linguistic, spiritual, financial, mental, you name it.

I have my court hearing in 2025. I will opt for JUSTICE rather than simpel revenge.



May God Almighty who saved me from physical violence and death forever be with the brave souls who speak their truth.

You are one such man, Lee Lasik.

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You remember my user name from my first account. Thanks for knowing. much appreciated. and the bastard who tried to rape you. an imbecile.

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You do not promote violence; you promote knowledge. You have intelligence and education, experience, and insight.

Clearly this is a threat to someone or some group - those pushing a bioweapon under the guise of "vaccines".

Most of us who are trying to "wake people up" to what is happening are mere hacks, with little knowledge of viruses, vaccines, or bioweapons prior to the COVID plan-demic. "They" do not feel threatened by us because they know we are mostly winging it, based on instinct, and recently acquired research and knowledge. We are a mere fly in the ointment, an annoyance, someone easily eliminated.

You, on the other hand, have the education to fully understand the implications of what these people are doing, not just here in the U.S., but around the world.

You, on the other hand, have the foundation to be credible and, therefore, may be perceived as a threat.

Just be careful, Dr. Lee, these people are deadly and deadly serious; this is obvious by how they have implemented this depopulation plan so efficiently; we are an annoyance and nothing more to them. They obviously do not have a conscience and are no longer even pretending to "play nice".

Please, just be careful.

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I am totally disappointed and disillusioned. The system is broken, yes. The whole medical system is broken. But, for me to have to see individual physicians behave so unethically? Merely for their ego? and not just one, but thousands?

I'm beginning to think that broken humans deserve their broken systems. Maybe this is the way all life everywhere in the universe, if it exists, plays out.

Truth? Who is really interested in truth? or fairness. Or ethical behavior. Human beings are flawed creatures. I'm reminded of that Korean drama of a judge whose son is involved in a hit and run accident where the other party dies. Does the judge/father turn in his son? No, and can I blame him? no. Loyalty to one's group is infinitely more important to most than accepting truth.

How humans got here from the evolutionary perspective means that the "loyalty gene complex" was critical to our evolution. Rational thought hasn't been with us long. Science hasn't been with humans that long. Clearly, the "loyalty gene complex" and the "greed gene complex" and the "self preservation gene complex" are all much more powerful factors controlling the behavior of 99% plus of all humans on earth, and physicians and scientists just learn to "pretend" to be rational.

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Dear Dr. Lee:

Sorry, but my answers tend to be too long for these social media outlets.

If you look online, you see there are just over one million active physicians in the U.S. alone, and now you need to multiply that around the world... so MILLIONS of physicians and other healthcare professionals around the world went along with this; and many are STILL doing it. Did they all know at the outset what was happening? No, probably not. But once it became obvious, the question is - how many took a step back and stopped. How many started doing their own research, stopped encouraging their patients from taking the shot, and stopped agreeing to inject them? How many stopped taking these shots as well, and stopped their family members from taking them, but still encouraged others?

I confronted two doctors about this early on, when it was obvious to me, but no one around me would take me seriously.

One doctor was the young surgeon who performed my two hip replacements seven weeks apart a couple of summers ago. His only response was, "I have to do whatever the CDC tells me to do, otherwise they take my license." But he said he respected my desire to not take the COVID shot, like it wasn't a big deal. I also signed a form saying I refused a blood transfusion - our blood supply is seriously at risk now. There is now one outlet, Safe Blood, who is willing to match people with another unvaccinated person in the area (or willing to put your own blood aside for future use). However, it's not a perfect solution, as they use the "honor system", and there is no checking of the blood for contamination, and they may also sell your blood to a vaccinated person if you don't use it, so this may mean for the right amount of money, your non-COVID tainted blood could be "misdirected" to someone vaccinated with deep pockets. Given you can only donate blood safely every couple of months, there may be someone (like an unvaccinated child in need) who gets passed over for someone rich who is willing to pay the price.

Anyway another doctor, my Chinese American PCP, a lovely young woman, beautiful, bright, articulate, and the kind of woman doctor I can honestly say I waited my whole adult lifetime to find. I was sure SHE would understand what was going on. Before seeing her for my annual physical, I memorized the names of CREDIBLE, intelligent doctors, and their findings. I spouted what Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier had found out about the impending CJD disaster ahead and the HIV insertions, what Dr. Andreas Noack discovered with the Graphene Hydroxide, mentioned virologist Dr. Geert vanden Bossche and his concerns, and the NINE PAGES OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST in small print (and that is just for the Pfizer shot - never mind the other pseudo-vaccines). Her response?

"You can't believe everything you read on the internet..."

When I told her the nine pages of Adverse Events were Pfizer's own documents, released under a FOIA Court Order, which both the CDC and Pfizer were trying to hide for 75 years, she didn't say anything about it, but this...

"I chose to take the COVID shot, but I respect your right to not take the shot..."

She didn't have ANYTHING to add to the conversation. She asked no questions, offered no proof of efficacy or safety, and seemed a bit confused that somehow I knew than her. Prior to her COVID shot(s) she was whip-smart, articulate, and insightful. I was now confronted with this watered-down version of herself.

From my perception, everyone who is COVID-vaccinated is now a "dumbed down" version of themselves. Trust me, I do not say this to be rude, unkind, or "holier than thou". I love EVERYONE in my family, and they are all vaccinated to some extent. Many suffer injuries, yet STILL claim no one can prove it's a "vaxx injury". Some STILL chase the flu and COVID shots like they think it will somehow save them. Most are starting to wake up, I hope, but some cousins refuse to interact with me, I pissed them off so much with my warnings early on.

I have played Wordfeud, a Scrabble type game, on my iPhone with some people long-term, and I can now tell when someone takes their COVID shot, as I begin winning EVERY game with them. About a year after the COVID shots came out, I had three people's scores plummet by one-third, all within a week. There is a "statistics" area in thi game, so I could see their scores falling in real time, and a "chat" area of the game, so I could ask them all what had happened the prior week to make their scores fall so drastically. They had ALL just taken their COVID shot.

Two of these people were teacher's with master's degrees - one a married man with two sons in the UK in his mid-40's, who went from "Teacher of the Year" in his district to being told within a few months of this score-drop period that he was on probation for not being able to control his class. He has since stopped playing the game with me - I used to throw games after he took his second shot, as he could hardly compete, but clearly that wasn't enough to keep him playing the game with me.

Another was a teacher in her mid-50's here in the U.S. (I think she lives in North or South Carolina), and her scores fell for TWO FULL YEARS before they started to pick up again. In the chat area of the game, I had told her about the importance of Vitamin D based on one Israeli study, and also mentioned I took Vitamin C, Zinc, and Nattokinase daily as well as a regular supplement. Maybe she picked up on this and started taking more vitamins, who knows. She is back to normal now, YEARS later.

The last man is a retired government worker from the U.K. The only time his scores rise again (temporarily) is when he takes his annual vacation to the Mediterranean with his family (wife and adult kids). You see his scores jump slowly as his week or two vacation goes on; but they drop again once he gets back to the UK. I suspect it is the extra vitamin D from the added sunshine, as well as perhaps a "Mediterranean diet" with fresh fish, fruits, and vegetables.

I still play with the last two people, who are intelligent enough to recognize that taking more COVID shots is not the answer anyway. I was only able to quickly catch up with the first teacher in the UK on Instagram only once, where he reassured me he was alive and well, but did not get into any details.

The shots appear to cause such severe neurological issues that perhaps the "conscience" of the recipient is permanently overridden, maybe forever. I have some weird interactions now with vaxxed family members, where they laugh at things that are not funny, get angry irrationally over something minor, are rude, mean, or cruel, where before the shots they were not.

It is obvious there is the potential for ongoing deterioration of both intelligence, normal behavior, rationality, and serious anger issues/acting out for for the 70-80% of our population here in the U.S. who is COVID vaccinated, based on my personal experience with people.

The 20% who chose to not take these shots are not protected either, as there is a LOT of proof now that the vaccinated are "shedding" all their health issues onto the unvaccinated. Some idiot, either here in the U.S. or maybe at that Wuhan lab, decided to make it so all the things that cause health issues in the COVID shots can shed to the unvaccinated! Think, contagious Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, for example...

Truly frightening!

I have one video, where S. African doctors are discussing the Rouleau Effect of the blood of non-COVID vaccinated children who died AFTER their parents got vaccinated. This is really quite scary to think about. Parents intelligent enough to not take the shots and didn't get their kids vaccinated should be aware that EVERY person their child interacts with may be shedding Graphene Oxide, mRNA, DNA, Spike Proteins, HIV fragments, et cetera, onto their kids - in school, sports activities, dance class, day care centers, and more.

The video showing the doctors discussing the blood of the deceased unvaccinated kids is at the end of this article:


Well, sorry if I overshared again, and also if I repeated myself. I tend to do major downloads, but don't always remember which person I have already shared what things with! LOL! Ah - The challenges of old age!

Stay safe and keep your family close, Dr. Lee!

Debbie Weaver

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and the anti-vaxxer "leaders" were among the most disappointing for me.

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Did Twitter/X suspend you? https://x.com/lasikeyecenter1

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Hey Sooth!!! Yep, the bastards got me again.

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we are 'supposed' to get louder and louder until someone finally will believe us enough to take action

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Dec 15
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I think they were "waiting" for the next "pandemic." I think they literally WANTED a pandemic because they already had all their "pandemic plans."

That IS what the government is supposed to do, right? Have a PLAN in place? Which they spent a ton of money on and who could argue that they shouldn't do that? But, then KNOWING exactly how they would proceed in the event of a "pandemic?" Also meant that they could PROFIT from knowing what they would do. And what a PERFECT excuse to roll out a NEW vaccine technology. The PERFECT excuse.

So, when Trump said, it didn't seem like such a big deal, Fauci, WANTED COVID to be SERIOUS. When my letter explaining the lung barrier and antibody issue arrived at his desk in Sep 2020? He did NOT want to stop. So, he made Dr. Erbelding write me back, trying to brush off my concerns.

They never imagined I would reply with 73 pages and put a copyright on it. I didn't want to leave them ANY excuses, so I was extremely thorough. That document was sent to hundreds if not thousands of directors at the CDC, NIH and FDA, with many replies confirming receipt.

The moment I explained that there could NEVER be benefit via a neutralizing antibody in the lung? From that point on, it was simply STUPIDITY or GREED on the part of Fauci, to continue the roll out. But, guess what? the idiot anti vax leaders on THIS side of the issue? ALSO ignored my information. Then, whatever anyone wants to accuse FAUCI of? ALSO applies to RFKjr and Bhattacharya and the rest.

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Power corrupts. Absolute power absolutely corrupts. Look at the fxxxing losers, McCullough, Malone, Kory. All those hypocrite antivax leaders that ALSO ignored the science to UTTERLY expose Fauci's stupidity. They had ONE motivation in ignoring all this information, to keep their power. Anyone who wants to get pissed off at Fauci? Needs to be equally upset at RFKjr and the gang.

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Dec 15
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How would anyone ever "PROVE" intent? The intent to actually produce the mRNA vaccine as a weapon of mass destruction?

Meaning, there was a TON of research on mRNA vaccines PRIOR to 2020. Anyone who understands basic biology and immunology would understand that a traditional vaccine is based on a foreign protein antigen. Anyone could also understand that this same foreign protein antigen could possibly be formed by delivering the mRNA for that protein to a cell that could then translate that mRNA and have the foreign protein antigen formed by the cell itself.

Then, where were all these "experts" who cater to what the public wants to hear and tells the public NOW that these mRNA vaccines were always DESIGNED with intent to be weapons of mass destruction? Because this basic science work didn't occur in the dark in secrecy. IT WAS DONE OUT IN THE OPEN with TONS of peer reviewed studies and this development wasn't quiet. There were dozens of REVIEWS of all these peer reviewed mRNA vaccine studies. ALL OUT IN THE OPEN. Why didn't Professor Boyle, who CLEARLY knew of the concept of mRNA vaccine technology, complain back THEN?

I don't buy it was some super complicated conspiracy theory to kill off half the population. Yes, it makes for a much better story that has legs. No, it's chances of being true are extremely low, so low that it's approaching zero.

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Once the ball got rolling and scientists knew that the only thing the government could possibly do was to expedite a vaccine for COVID (since a new therapeutic compound would take YEARS to assess the safety of and since mRNA vaccine technology was at the point of even having MANY REVIEW studies of peer reviewed papers, they went the direction of vaccines.

On the surface, it would seem that would be the right direction. But, that's just the pure shortsightedness of man's ego. Every vaccine is different. Every foreign antigen is different. Every antibody to a foreign antigen could have nightmarish effects. But, once they think about a vaccine being like any other vaccine? That was their huge mistake in logic. The STREP antibody was the number 1 killer of children in the early nineteenth century and that took DECADES for scientists to figure out.

So, when I reached out to Fauci in SEP 2020 and let him know the GARGANTUAN fatal flaw with their COVID vaccine, the mistakes in thought had all been made and then ego and greed came into the picture. Fauci did NOT want to reverse course at that point.

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It's a massive mistake. The FLU vaccine has the exact SAME flaw and has been used for decades. No one EVER called out the FLU vaccine and said the FLU vaccine was a biological weapon of mass destruction.

But if the FLU vaccine intervention has NO BENEFIT via a neutralizing antibody in the lung air space (which it can't since it can't enter the lung either) and the FLU vaccine intervention ONLY has RISK, then by strict definition of what a "weapon" is, risk with NO BENEFIT, then the FLU vaccine can ALSO be called a biological weapon of mass destruction with the exact same reasoning that Dr. Boyle is using to call the COVID mRNA vaccine a biological weapon of mass destruction.

But, did Dr. Boyle call the FLU vaccine that? No? Why not? Because this is all "AFTER THE FACT" connecting of dots in his mind.

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